Wednesday, May 16, 2012

On the Level

To answer Johnno's question re levelling, let's try to organise a specific time to get the levelling organised.  I'd suggest doing your levelling in PCGen for your own records and updating characters manually in FG.

It's worth trying to explain the 'module' setup I'm using.  By 'module' I mean that in the FG2 sense rather than in an old school RPG sense.  If I'm ever on and you jump on and can't find your characters, it's because I don't have the campaign 'module' open because I'm working on one of the other 'modules'.  The caharacters are stored in the campaign 'module' only.  At the moment this is usually the "burnt offerings" adventure path 'module' or the "Sandpoint" location 'module' I have with all the Sandpoint stuff in it.  There's a bit of an overhead in switching between modules - exporting processes, etc.  Also bear in mind there isn't much I can do in the campaign module prep wise, so I'll be  just sitting there while you guys play with your characters in the main campaign 'module'.  Having said that I'm perfectly happy to set a time and let you guys spend as many hours as you want playing with characters.

It will be heaps better if we can coordinate though, so I don't have to stop what I'm doing prep wise whenever you jump on.  Of course you can just jump on and chat with me, or try out new features of FG no probs!  And chances are I'll be tired anyway, so I'll probably welcome and excuse to stop and switch off the brain.  If I'm on a roll though, or mid-way through building a particular bit please bear with me if I say "give me 30 mins" or something.  Just thought it was worth explaining that so yo don't think I'm just being annoying.

I have a heap of tokens too that I am slowly organizing.  These too are organised into the modules as seems to be the accepted sensible practice for memory or processing efficiency reasons or some such.  So I don't have the goblin tokens in the main campaign module, they are in the modules that need goblins.

Hit Points

As for hit points I am offering this deal.

Option 1 - take average rounded up.  

  • D8 average is 4.5..rounds up to 5
  • D10 is 5.5 rounds up to 6

Option 2 - roll and take your chances

Rolls will be done in FG for added nail-biting tension.  You can re-roll 1s and 2s but you have to take the second roll, according to my calculations this actually gives an expected outcome of:

  • 5.25 for D8
  • 6.3 for D10

So you can see that option 2 on average gives a slightly better outcome....but with an element of risk :-)  But you guys aren't wussy...are you?

Burnt Offereings

Having a week off is giving me a chance to read the module again, which is good because I seem to pick up something I missed every time I give it a quick read through.  Luckily the bits I've improvised so far have been gelling well with the published content and beleive it or not, I am already looking forward to sessions that I estimate will be 6 or more sessions away when I estimate you will discover X.  I just wish I could see the looks on your faces when it's all revealed!

Subscription Shipment #2

Got an email today that my next subscription shipment has shipped,  this time with the Adventure Path and 2 extra modules because I added in the module subscription and elected to start my subscription from the module before the latest one (so I started with 2).  All up, that's the 3 modules delivered for $47 plus perpetual download rights to the pdf versions the moment they shipped.  I reckon this Paizo stuff is some of the best quality RPG stuff that's ever been produced and they are selling for a very reasonable price.  Here's to a strong Aussie dollar driving cheap RPG costs :-).

Ken Henry Interview

Speaking of which, there was a pretty interesting interview with Ken Henry on the ABC site that I watched on tuesday.  It's about 35 mins so make a cuppa but a very interesting account.  He is of the opinion that the euro is doomed and always was, because of an unwillingness of member states to drive fiscal balancing between the member states. He also made a very interesting point about the criticisms of the stimulus packages regarding price gouging. His point was that it didn't really matter at a macroeconomic level if sectors of economy inflated prices to grab more of the stimulus money because the whole point of a macroeconomic stimulus response is to get money into the economy fast.  If someone inflates prices and takes some more of it than they should, then on a macroeconomic level that's actually good.  It doesn't stop them being scumbags, but its not damaging to macroeconomic strategy.

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