With the general bumminess of the way this is heading, I thought I'd share a couple of web sites I've stumbled across in my week at the PC preparing 'RPG stuff''
This is the coolest tiling terrain I've ever seen. Watch the video, its like a eugenics programme where the genetic stock is from old school and awesome.
Speaking of awesome old school stuff, can you believe this? If I didn't still have my originals lovingly preserved in my RPG shrine I'd be on amazon instead of typing this.
I remember when White Dwarf was a pretty cool RPG magazine. But there where any number of them, Sorcerers Apprentice I have here somewhere. Anyway, Kobold Quarterly is an interesting little magazine braving the online RPG business with its narrow margins (profit margins not print margins) and keeping its head above water.
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This next one needs no introduction....+5 Crossword of Slaying!!
Yep, that dwarven forge stuff is pretty nice.