They stumble across the goblin hero Koruvus, now hideously mutated by...well by something! Wielding the cold iron ranseur against Koruvus, Leena does some seriously heavy damage dancing around the pits. They discover the zombies that Koruvus has been guarding, but Candrak is reluctant to waste arrows shooting at them. Leena has the idea of using the magic returning dagger to kill the zombies.
Further still and the party finds the collapsed stairs; one lot going up; and the others heading what? No matter for they are both blocked. Faint voices are heard at the stairs heading up and Blukvard cleverly speculates that the voices are the townsfolk. That doesn't explain the eerie howling that seemed to come from the blocked stairs heading down.
They discover Erylium's meditation chamber and Candrak happily launches into the levitation room after the loot.
Finally the party battles the Vargouille, a hideous creature like a head with wings. It's scream is death though, and Leena and Shala are quickly paralysed for the duration. Luckily Candrak and Blukvard slay they creature releasing them from their spiritual bondage.
- silver dagger
- longsword +1
- masterwork handax
Party Experience
600xp (Vargouille - Washing Pool)1200xp (2 Sinspawn - Ancient Prison)
1000xp (Koruvus, Hero of the Seven Tooth Tribe...and some zombies - The Prisoner Pits)
200xp - killing the zombies
3000 xp Total
Blukvard (6570 xp)
1000xp (Party XP)50xp (RP - guessing the voices are the townsfolk)
Candrak (6770 xp)
1000xp (Party XP)25xp (RP - Mystery bonus XP)
Leena (6520 xp)
1000xp (Party XP)50xp (RP - zombie + returning dagger idea)
Of course I wasn't going to waste arrows all we would have had were walking pin cushions